Bingo Newsletter

Welcome to the April 2010 edition of our monthly newsletter.

April is no different to any other month, we still have all your favourite games along with some changes we think you will like including the Classic and Party Halls going 24/7.

The big promotions just keep coming. As one big promotion, the Bingo World Championship, finished at the end of March another one, the Bingo Cruise Tournament, starts at the beginning of April.

Bingo Cruise Tournament

Bingo Cruise Tournament We would like to take you on a Cruise holiday of a lifetime. We will be running a Leaderboard promotion for the 22nd Annual World Championship Bingo Tournament and Gaming Cruise between April 1st and August 31st, 2010. The package will include flights to and from Miami, all Port Charges and a top rated Category 'A' Cabin Suite for two.

Your eight day, all-inclusive Caribbean cruise features entries for both you and your guest into The World Championship Bingo Tournament offering £50,000 in cash and prizes!!

You'll visit exotic Caribbean ports including: Grand Cayman, Isla Roatan, Belize and Cozumel while enjoying this carefree vacation aboard the Carnival Valor, a shining star in the Carnival Cruise Lines fleet.

The sailing dates are October 31 to November 7, 2010 so log in to play, and pack your bags for the vacation of a lifetime!

Classic Hall Adds More Cash Games

Speed Bingo As part of continual improvements you can now enjoy all your favourite Bingo and Chat games 24/7 in both the Classic and Party Halls. In addition you will also be able to play £0.01 games on Blowout. Now you can play whenever you are feeling lucky!!

Jackpot Winner

We would just like to congratulate Myluc from East Orange, NJ who won the Blowout Hall Progressive Jackpot of £1,038.30 on the March 14th! Well done from the whole Bingo Team.

First Deposit Bonus

All other deposits receive:

£150-£500* 100% BONUS

£75-£149 75% BONUS

£10-£74 50% BONUS

Remember, there's a minimum deposit of £10 to receive any bonus!!


Bonus Terms
Progressive Jackpots

Why not try your luck today?
You could be the next Jackpot winner...

Classic Hall

Party Hall

Blowout Hall

90 Ball Hall

Chat Companions

Keep your day full of sunshine by chatting to our friendly and professional
Chat Companions who are available 24/7:

Sammy, Phil, Jess,

Mandy, Jeni, Missy,

Jade, Lee and Shawnna

Chat rules talk

Bonus Bank Exchange

Exchange your Bonus Bank dollars into gifts or playable bonuses!

£30 in Bonus Bank = a mug or a mouse pad     |    £300 in Bonus Bank = a £12 playable bonus
£600 in Bonus Bank = a £24 playable bonus   |    £900 in Bonus Bank = a £36 playable bonus
£1200 in Bonus Bank = a £48 playable bonus   |    Exchanges can be done only once per month.

For example if you have £1,800 in your bonus bank, the maximum amount that can be exchanged in one month is £1,200 and the remaining £600 can be exchanged the following month.
Make sure your exchange requests are sent on the 15th of each month to and your gift will be sent by mail or your playable bonus will be credited to your account as soon as possible.
Bingo Newsletter